Reviews of purchased goods such as dakimakura covers and tapestries.

Language: 日本語 Romaji

【レビュー】 カット タペストリー [B2Wスエードタペストリー【カット先生WEB連載 3月掲載】(成年)] うりぼうざっか店

Last Updated:2022-06-04

We review a B2 tapestry with original characters created by Cut.

It was sold by "B2Wスエードタペストリー【カット先生WEB連載 3月掲載】(成年)(うりぼうざっか店)の通販・購入はメロンブックス | メロンブックス" in May 2022.

Detailed image


This is an illustration of a girl in a bathroom with her boobs pressed against the glass.

Her big boobs, big buttocks, and tight waist are erotic.


The tapestry is unknown. The material is a thick double-suede cloth that is slightly stiff to the touch.

The seams are carefully sewn and are not noticeable due to the use of transparent thread.

The poles are plastic poles of a standard diameter.

Quality of the illustrations

I bought this illustration because I liked the large boobs.

The colors are the same as in the sample image and the outlines are fine.

I am glad I bought it.

Links to related goods

【オリジナル】B2Wスウェードタペストリー(カット) 2020.8/メロンブックス

【オリジナル】WスエードB2タペストリー 成年版 Under wears3(カット) 2019.10/メロンブックス

【オリジナル】通販WEB企画B2タペストリー 成年版 第16回掲載分(カット) 2021.1/メロンブックス

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tags: Review , タペストリー(tapestry) , メロンブックス(melonbooks) , うりぼうざっか店(uribou zakka ten) , カット(cut)