Reviews of purchased goods such as dakimakura covers and tapestries.

Language: 日本語 Romaji

[Review] CUT B2W Suede Tapestry [Web Serialization No. 19] (Adult) Uribo Zakka Store

Last Updated:2022-06-03

We review a B2 W suede tapestry with original characters created by cut.

Sold in 2021 from "B2Wスエードタペストリー【カット先生WEB連載 第19回掲載分】(成年)".

Detailed image


This is an illustration of a maid doing a boob heart mark at a maid cafe at a school festival.

Her big boobs, plump nipples and areola are erotic.

Nice erotic underwear and thick thighs in adult pants!


The manufacturer of the tapestry is unknown. The material is a double-suede cloth of general thickness and strength that does not stretch easily when pulled. The edges have been treated to prevent fraying.

The seams are carefully sewn and are not noticeable.

The poles are plastic poles of standard diameter.

Quality of the illustrations

I bought this illustration because I liked the large boobs.

The colors are the same as the sample image and there are no jaggies in the outlines.

I am very happy with my purchase.

Links to related goods

【オリジナル】通販WEB企画B2タペストリー 成年版 第19回掲載分(カット) 2021.3/メロンブックス

【オリジナル】WEB連載企画B2タペストリー ver4(カット) 2019.6/メロンブックス

【オリジナル】通販WEB企画B2タペストリー 成年版 第10回掲載分(カット) 2020.5/メロンブックス

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tags: Review , タペストリー(tapestry) , メロンブックス(melonbooks) , うりぼうざっか店(uribou zakka ten) , カット(cut)